Coastal walk from Harlyn Bay to Padstow
  1. Start by catching the bus from Padstow to Harlyn Bay. Walk down the ramp onto the beach to the right of the bridge. Turn right along the beach and make for the flight of steps leading up to the headland.

    Harlyn Bay faces Northeast which means that the prevailing southwesterly winds are offshore. This is very good news for surfing, but due to the sheltered location it needs a good size swell to produce surf of any size. The best waves are reported to be at mid tide.

    The original name was Ar-Lyn which is Cornish for "facing the lake". This is presumably based on the bay facing away from the prevailing wind and therefore having calm waters. The "h" seems to have been gained during mediaeval times after the Norman conquest when the land-owning gentry didn't speak Cornish.

  2. Climb the steps and turn left. Follow the path a short distance until it forks.

    Cellars above Harlyn Bay were once used for processing pilchards. Pilchards were also landed and processed in Padstow.

    Industrialisation of fishing and the introduction of rail transportation during Victorian times led to over-exploitation of the Cornish pilchard stocks to meet an insatiable demand from the Italian market and the population crashed. Possibly as a knock-on consequence of the lack of availability, demand from Italy dried up and this has allowed pilchard stocks to recover.

  3. Keep right to stay on the main gravel path and follow this around the coast until you eventually reach a kissing gate.

    Oystercatchers are recognisable by their black-and-white bodies, their long, straight red beaks and loud, piercing call. In flight, the white markings form an image of a white bird towards the back of their otherwise black backs which may have evolved to confuse predators.

    The long beaks are adapted to open shellfish - mainly cockles and mussels - "cocklecatchers" would be a more accurate name. They can also use their bill to probe for worms.

  4. Go through the gate and follow the path until you reach another gate.

    From geography lessons at secondary school, you'll probably know that wave-cut platforms form where waves hit the cliff face and create a wave-cut notch into which the cliffs above eventually collapse. The reason the cliffs are eroded faster than the platform below them is more in the realms of physics:

    • The energy from a wave is concentrated when it breaks against the cliffs; when waves are breaking onto the gently-sloping platform, their energy is more diffuse.
    • On the platform, the force from the waves is spread along the breadth of platform as the tide recedes. However, the cliff face usually takes a beating not just at the very highest point of the tide, but also for some of the time either side.
    • The tide rises and falls sinusoidally with time, in other words, it changes at its most slowly at high tide where it can spend a bit more time bashing the living daylights out of the cliff face.

    Nevertheless, the platform does slowly erode. At Porthleven it is estimated that the platform is eroding at a rate of 1mm every 5 years.

  5. Go through the gate and turn right through the gap in the wall. Follow the path until you eventually reach the slate-hung cottage overlooking the cove.

    The beach, known locally as Rocky Beach, is called Newtrain Bay.

    To the left of Trevone beach is Newtrain Bay, known locally as Rocky Beach (for obvious reasons). At low tide there are many rockpools including a very large one which forms a natural swimming pool. There is also some quite good snorkelling across the reefs of Newtrain Bay which are frequented by wrasse and small pollack. Trevone became a popular resort when the railway was extended to Padstow; whether the name Newtrain is linked to this is unclear.

  6. At the cottage, merge onto the lane ahead and follow this a short distance until you reach a gap in the wall on the left, opposite the first house on the right.

    The "herringbone" style of walling built with tightly packed alternating diagonal slate courses, is unique to Cornwall's heritage.

    It is known locally as "Curzy Way" or "Kersey Wave", based on the Cornish word kersy which means "reeds", perhaps referring to a square weave pattern. It is also sometimes known as "Jack and Jill" which is likely to be based on the falling down part of the nursery rhyme.

  7. Go through the gap on the left and follow the path to the railings, then cross the grass to the information board. Bear left onto the path behind the signs and follow it down to the beach.

    Daisy flowers are not actually a single flower but a composite made of lots of little flowers. Each tiny yellow dot making up the central area is a tubular flower. Similarly each petal is a specially-adapted miniature flower.

    If you are unlucky enough to be stung by a jellyfish, scrape off any stinging sacs stuck to the skin (e.g. with a shell or credit card) and apply ice and take some painkillers. There are old wives tales about urine, alcohol and baking soda being cures; avoid all of these as they are ineffective and likely to make the pain worse. Although vinegar does work in some situations, in others it can activate any unfired stinging cells; NHS advice is therefore to avoid it.

  8. At the bottom of the steps, turn right along the beach and follow the wall to reach the road. Turn left onto the road and follow it a short distance uphill until you reach a coast path sign beside a flight of steps on the left.

    There are two beaches in Trevone Bay. The rightmost beach, alongside the headland, is sandy and now known as Trevone Beach although was originally called Porthmissen (recorded as Porthmusyn in 1396). To the left is Newtrain Bay, known locally as Rocky Beach (for obvious reasons).

  9. Go up the steps and follow the coast path to a stile.

    In 1765, there is an account by William Rawlings written to the Earl of Dartmouth. When his servants were 3 miles from St Columb, they encountered 60 horses carrying a cargo from a beach 2 miles west of Padstow "having each three bags of tea on them of 56 or 58lbs weight". This points to Trevone being used as the landing point, which makes sense as it is a reasonably sheltered and concealed beach.

  10. Cross the stile and keep left on the path to reach a waymark at the end of the headland.

    Barnacles and lichens can be used to gauge the position of the high-tide line on rocks and therefore a dry place to leave your possessions whilst you go swimming if the tide is coming in.

    Barnacles need to be covered with seawater each day so they grow below the high-water mark for neap tides.

    Black tar lichen occurs just above the barnacle zone. It is quite tolerant of spray and short periods of immersion in seawater so it typically grows in areas which are out of the water at neap tides but may get briefly immersed during spring tides.

    Orange marine lichen is less tolerant of immersion in seawater but can otherwise often out-compete black tar lichen so this usually grows just above the high water mark for spring tides where it may get an occasional splash.

  11. At the waymark, bear right along the coast path and follow it past the Round Hole on your right and another waymark on your left until you reach a gateway in a wall.

    Trevone Round Hole is situated in the middle of the headland on the right-hand side of Trevone beach. The Round Hole is a collapsed cave with a channel that is still open to the sea. At high tide, on a calm day, it's possible to kayak right though to the inside; however this is most unwise if there is a swell running.

  12. Go through the gateway and bear left through another gateway. Follow the main path across the coastal heath until you reach a stile near the cliff edge.

    The many caves along the coast here provide ledges where seals haul themselves out of the water. The caves are not accessible from the land so the seals are safe from predators; although there are few land predators today which would be unwise enough take on a seal, they were once hunted here by bears as well as humans.

    The seal species most frequently seen along the Cornish coast is the grey seal. Common seals are also sometimes seen. Seals are not closely related to other marine mammals. The skeleton of an adult male grey seal (apart from the limbs) closely resembles that of a leopard. However, as you might be able to guess from their facial features, seals are most closely related to dogs, bears and otters. In fact, a dog is very much more closely related to a seal than a dog is to a cat.

  13. Cross the stile and follow the path over a small headland and down into a steep ravine, over a footbridge, to a stile.

    The islands ahead are known as the Merope Islands. The middle of the three islands has a blowhole on the seaward side. In a big swell, near high tide, it can blow a jet of water 100ft into the air. You can get a view from the very end of the headland, before you descend into the valley.

  14. Cross the stile and follow the path up to the left and then down to a waymark in the next (Treguddra) gorge.

    The Seven Bays are:

    • Porthcothan
    • Treyarnon
    • Constantine
    • Booby's
    • Mother Ivey's
    • Harlyn
    • Trevone
  15. Cross the stream at the bottom of Treguddra gorge then follow the path directly ahead to the waymark at the top of the hill.

    From the cliffs, there are good views of Trevose Head. The larger beach to the left is Harlyn Bay; the one to the right is Mother Ivy's Bay. To the right of this is the Padstow lifeboat station.

  16. From the waymark, continue on the coast path until you reach a stile.

    In early summer, birdsfoot trefoil can be seen flowering along the coast path.

    The Birdsfoot Trefoil has yellow flowers tinged with red that look like little slippers and appear in small clusters. They are followed by seed pods that look distinctly like bird's feet or claws. Common names referring to the flowers include "Butter and Eggs", "Eggs and Bacon" and "Hen and Chickens", and to the seed pods, the delightful "Granny's Toenails".

    It is a member of the pea family and is poisonous to humans (containing glycosides of cyanide) but not to grazing animals and can be grown as a fodder plant. It is the larval food plant of many butterflies and moths including the common blue and silver-studded blue, and an important nectar plant for many bumblebee species.

    The rocky coast is an ideal habitat for wrasse.

    One of the most common fish on inshore reefs is the wrasse. The name for the fish is from the Cornish word wragh meaning "old hag". This is probably based on its lack of popularity for culinary consumption and is the reason why it is still quite common whereas most other species have been depleted by several centuries of fishing. Recently, wrasse has been "rediscovered" as a good eating fish if not overcooked. However, wrasse are very slow growing so are not an ideal culinary fish for conservation reasons: they cannot reproduce until they are 6-10 years old and large individuals may be over 30 years old.

  17. Bear left over the stile and follow the path through a kissing gate and onwards to reach a stile.

    Lichens are a partnership of two different organisms: a fungus providing the "accommodation" and an alga or cyanobacterium providing the "food" through photosynthesis. The fungal partner provides a cosy, sheltered environment for the alga and tends it with mineral nutrients. However, the alga partner is more than simply an imprisoned food-slave: it is such a closely-evolved alliance that the fungus is dependant on the alga for its structure. If the fungal partner is isolated and grown on an agar plate, it forms a shapeless, infertile blob.

  18. Cross the stile and follow the path. Where the path forks, the two paths rejoin later so either will do. Continue until you reach a gate at Butter Hole.

    By mid-late summer, Burnett moth caterpillars have fed themselves up on trefoil and pupated into adult moths.

    Red-and-black-spotted Burnett moths can often be seen feeding on nectar-bearing flowers alongside the coast path. The red colour is a warning that they contain hydrogen cyanide. The larvae normally create it by breaking down more complex cyanide compounds from the birdsfoot trefoil on which they feed. However they are also able to synthesise it themselves in environments where it isn't readily available from food plants.

    The mixture of rock and sand along this area of the coast is an ideal habitat for plaice.

    Plaice are one of the easiest flatfish to recognise by their orange spots. Young plaice eat mostly shrimps and then progress onto bigger prey such as bristle worms and mussels. Plaice are one of the quickest flatfish to be able to change their colour to blend in with their surroundings. They can complete this in as little as 10-15 min.

    Plaice can live for 40 years but due to heavy fishing, few now make it past the age of 6. It takes around 3 years before they can breed so they are at risk of overfishing. In 2006, three out of four fish stocks, including the Celtic Sea, were regarded as over-exploited by the World Wildlife Fund and in 2010, Greenpeace added plaice to their seafood red list. High discard rates of dead immature fish from trawling are particularly of concern although larger mesh sizes can help to reduce this. New fishing technology is also becoming available using water pressure or electrical pulses to raise fish from the bottom (rather than dragging heavy "tickler" chains across the seabed) which can reduce the environmental damage from trawling.

  19. Go through the gate and follow the path around the edge of Butter Hole to the point where the path splits.

    The SS Arthurtown was a small cargo ship. In 1944 it was on its way from Southampton to Androssan with a cargo of scrap steel and old engine blocks. It struck The Quies off Trevose Head in fog and attempted to limp into Padstow harbour but didn't quite make it and sank off Stepper Point. The steel cargo has concreted together in the seawater which preserves the ship's shape even though much of the hull has corroded away. However, the rear of the ship is missing due to unsubtle salvage techniques in the 1970s involving dynamite. According to one source, this detonated the explosives in a torpedo that the ship was carrying.

  20. Take the leftmost path and follow it around Butter Hole to a gap in the wall.

    The island visible offshore is Gulland.

    Gulland is the most westerly and largest of the 3 rocky islands around the Camel estuary, lying between Stepper Point and Trevose Head. The name "Gulland" is likely to be a corruption of the Cornish word goelann meaning "gull", and the rock appears as "the gull rock" on map of 1576. It is reported to be used by seals as a nursery. Puffins can also sometimes be seen here and it is postulated this might be a small colony distinct from the larger colony on The Mouls.

  21. Go through a gap and then keep right, along the wall. Note there is a sheer drop into a collapsed cave, known as Pepper Hole, to the left. Follow the path to the daymark, affectionately known as "The Pepper Pot".

    The 40ft stone tower on Stepper Point, affectionately known as "The Pepper Pot", was built as a daymark - a navigation beacon for seafarers during daylight. At 240 feet above sea level, it is visible from 30 miles away. When it was built in 1830, the daymark cost the sum of £29. The money was raised by giving donors voting rights in the Harbour Association: one guinea would buy one vote.

  22. From the daymark, follow the path alongside the wall on the right, over the boulders and downhill to a waymarked gap near the end of the wall.

    The Stepper Point coastguard lookout, facing out from the mouth of the Camel Estuary, re-opened in 2000 and is now manned by volunteers from the National Coastwatch Institution. It is electrically self-sufficient from its solar panels and wind turbine.

  23. Bear right through the gap and follow the path to a kissing gate.

    The National Coastwatch Institution was set up to restore visual watches along the UK coastline after two Cornish fishermen lost their lives within sight of an empty Coastguard lookout in 1994. The first station - at Bass Point on The Lizard, where the fishermen had died - opened in December 1994. The organisation, staffed by volunteers, now runs 50 lookout stations around England and Wales.

  24. Go through the gate and continue on the path up the estuary through one kissing gate until you reach a second kissing gate (at Hawker's Cove).

    A large amount of elvan was once shipped to South Wales from the quarry on Stepper Point at the mouth of the Camel Estuary.

    Elvan is very hard volcanic rock formed where magma intruded into other rocks to form a (vertical) dyke or (horizontal) sill that cooled fairly quickly, resulting in fairly small crystals. Elvan can be seen in many of the churches across Cornwall where it is often used for intricate parts of buildings, such as doorways, so they can be finely carved.

    The term "white elvan" is sometimes used for those which are chemically very similar to granite (but in the case of granite, slower cooling resulted in large crystals) i.e. formed of mildly acidic compounds.

    The term "greenstone" is used by quarrymen to describe igneous rocks that, unlike granite, are rich in (basic) iron and magnesium compounds and these often give it a blue-green colour. When greenstone is formed as a sill or dyke it is sometimes called "blue elvan". This is also fairly common in Cornwall and has been quarried for a long time: in the Neolithic period, stone axes made from blue elvan were exported from Cornwall to various parts of Britain.

  25. Go through the kissing gate into a parking area. Follow the track from the other side until you pass a coast path sign and reach some steps on the left.

    Alexanders are very salt tolerant so they thrive in Cornwall's salty climate. They are just as likely to be found along coastal footpaths as along country lanes. New growth appears in the autumn so during the winter, when most other plants are dormant, it is a dominant source of greenery along paths and lanes in exposed coastal areas.

    The estuary is a popular spot for windsurfing.

    Boards with vertical sails were in use by Polynesians for short trips between islands. The idea of using a universal joint to connect a sail to a board was conceived in 1948 by Newman Darby in the USA who spent the next two decades perfecting the approach. The first boards went on sale during the 1960s and the sport of windsurfing was popularised in the 1970s.

  26. Turn left to go down the steps and follow the path by the fence. Follow it in front of the cottages to emerge back on the lane.

    The cottage on the left, with the slipway leading onto the beach, was Padstow's original lifeboat station.

    The first Padstow lifeboat was built by the Padstow Harbour Association in 1827 and kept at Hawkers Cove. The RNLI took over the station in 1856. In 1931, the original boathouse in Hawker's Cove was replaced with a new boat house and roller slipway for a second motor lifeboat to join the one already running from the second station to the south of Hawker's Cove. The station closed in 1962, due to Hawker's Cove being filled by sand as the river channel moved across the estuary. This left only the station to the south operating for a few more years, before it also became blocked with silt.

  27. Turn left onto the lane and follow it a short distance to a sharp bend with a Coast Path signpost.

    The Camel Estuary is notorious for the Doom Bar - a sand bar which has caused many ship and small boat wrecks. For ships sailing into the bay on the prevailing SW wind, a great hazard was caused by the immediate loss of power due to the shelter from the cliffs. Once becalmed, they would drift helplessly and run aground on the Doom Bar. Therefore rockets were fired from the cliffs, to place a line onboard, which could then be used to pull the ship to the shore. Along the coastal path, on the cliff top, is an abandoned manual capstan which was used to winch the ships towards the harbour.

  28. At the bend, turn left (signposted to St Savior's Point) onto a narrow path alongside the fence. Follow the path to a waymark and around a corner to a gate.

    The building now called "The Old Lifeboat Station" was Padstow's second lifeboat station.

    In 1899, a second lifeboat station was built at Padstow, a short distance upriver of Hawker's Cove, for a new steam lifeboat.

    In a rescue in April 1900, as she was leaving the harbour, the steam lifeboat was caught by a heavy swell, capsized and wrecked, killing eight of her crew of eleven. Padstow's first motor lifeboat was commissioned in 1929, operating from this station. Due to river silting, in October 1967, the lifeboat was relocated to Mother Ivy's Bay on Trevose Head.

  29. From the gate, follow the coast path down to a stile at Harbour Cove.

    There are reports that an Irish smuggling vessel once chased an Excise ship into the harbour at Padstow, then hung out flags and fired guns as a sign of victory. Afterwards, the smugglers sailed on to Newquay to unload their cargo, where the customs authorities were described as being "very obliging about watching the wall".

  30. Cross the stile and follow the path until you reach a few steps leading onto a track with a waymark and walkway opposite.

    Harbour Cove is the beach on the opposite side of the Camel Estuary from Daymer Bay. There is a beach at all states of the tide at Harbour Cove although at low tide, the vast beach stretches out towards Doom Bar and merges with the other beaches, making it possible to walk around Gun Point to St George's Cove across the sand.

    During Victorian times and even during the early 20th Century, the main river channel ran alongside Stepper Point and so there were no sand dunes or sand bars here and the cove was surrounded by rock platforms below the edges of the field. Harbour Cove itself was a tiny beach at the mouth of the inlet in the area which is now marshland with an old double wooden walkway.

    Harbour Cove is also known locally as Tregirls beach, named after Tregirls Farm. In 1600, the name was originally "grylls" but was corrupted into "girls" over the years. It's possible the name of the farm arises from the Grylls family who were part of the Cornish gentry.

  31. From the bottom of the steps, cross the track to the walkway opposite and follow the path from this to reach a kissing gate into a field.

    Wetlands act as sponges, storing and gradually releasing water which helps to prevent floods and buffer river levels during dry periods. Sediment and nutrients washed off the land by rainwater are absorbed by the wetland plants, feeding the wetland ecosystem but also filtering and cleaning the water before it enters rivers.

  32. Go through the gate and turn left to follow along the left hedge of the field and reach a path leaving the field.

    Ivy is unusual in that it flowers particularly late in the year - from September to November - and therefore provides vital nectar for insects such as bees and moths. Ivy berries are an important winter food source for birds and will remain on the plant all the way through the winter until spring. The berries also have a high fat content so provide a dense source of energy at a time when animals need lots to keep warm.

  33. Follow the path from the field and over another walkway to emerge on a track.

    There is a common myth that the poisonous compounds from hemlock can enter the human food chain via milk/meat from animals that have ingested it. This has been scientifically proven to be complete nonsense.

    You may wonder what an acorn on the coast path waymarks has to do with the coast. All National Trails in Britain are marked with an acorn symbol and the coast path is just one of over a dozen. The first of these was the Pennine Way, opened in 1965.

  34. Turn right onto the track and walk a few paces to a path starting with couple of steps on the left. Turn left here and follow the path up the steps and along the edge of the field to reach a stone stile between fields.

    Alternatively, if the tide is out, in summer (when the track to the beach isn't waterlogged), it's possible to walk left along the track and then along the beach instead, and return to the coast path at St George's Cove to rejoin the route.

    The yellow water iris (also known as yellow flag) is a native plant but can become invasive and have a negative effect on biodiversity due to its ability to out-compete many other water plants. It is thought by some to be the original plant on which the "fleur-de-lis" heraldic symbol is based.

    If heavy metals are present in the soil, the plant is quite effective at absorbing these. This together with its aptitude for growing in pools of shallow water makes it potentially useful for detoxifying mine drainage.

    Dunes (called towans in Cornish) form when dry sand from the beach is blown by the wind, and initially lodges against an obstruction, eventually forming a ridge. More sand can then accumulate against the ridge and vegetation such as marram grass can then take hold, preventing the resulting sand hill from washing or blowing away.

  35. Cross the stile and follow the path to another stile.

    Mullet often enter the shallow water over the Doom Bar along Harbour Cove and can sometimes be seen breaking the surface in summer.

    Grey mullet are related to the perch family (which includes bass) and are surprisingly unrelated to the "red mullet" (which is in fact a type of goatfish). Mullet caught in the open sea are excellent eating fish and can be used in similar dishes to bass. However, those living in muddy water (such as the harbour) generally taste of mud. This can apparently be diminished by soaking them in acidic, salty water but the flavour is still described as "earthy".

  36. Cross the stile and follow the path to a junction of paths with a waymark. Continue ahead to follow the waymarked path around Gun Point to the wooded valley at St George's Cove.

    A gun battery on Gun Point is shown on maps as early as 1801 and may originally date back to defences against the Spanish Armada. It was re-fortified during the Second World War and these are the remains visible today.

  37. From St George's Cove, continue uphill along the coast path leading up the estuary to the gateway just before the War Memorial.

    The River Camel runs for 30 miles from Bodmin Moor to Padstow Bay, making it the longest river in Cornwall after the Tamar.

    The Camel Estuary is a geological ria - a deep valley flooded by rising sea levels after the last ice age, stretching from the headlands of Pentire Point and Stepper Point all the way to Wadebridge. The estuary is designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and a Marine Conservation Zone.

  38. Go through the gate ahead and past the Memorial, to the gate on the other side.

    The Camel Estuary is a nursery ground for bass and is a designated conservation area. Young bass spend their first 3-4 years in estuaries and then move into inshore waters. At 6-7 years the bass are sexually mature and migrate out into the Atlantic into deeper water to breed during the winter, returning each summer to coastal waters. Fishing for bass is illegal in the estuary during the summer and autumn to help protect the breeding population.

  39. Go through the gate and follow the left (lower) path into Padstow, to the quayside.

    Padstow is a very old port town facing into the Camel Estuary (formerly Petrockstow after St Petroc). Possibly from as early as 2500 BC, Padstow has been used as a natural harbour, linking Brittany to Ireland along the Saints Way from Fowey. In the Middle Ages, it was known as Aldestowe (the "old place", to contrast with Bodmin, which was the new place). The Cornish name Lannwedhenek or Lodenek derives from the Lanwethinoc monastery that stood above the harbour in Celtic times.

Although most of the buildings in Padstow are from the eighteenth or nineteenth centuries, the street pattern near the harbour dates from the mediaeval period.

The first stone pier in Padstow was built during the 16th Century. Many of the buildings around the quays were originally warehouses used in marine trading during the late eighteenth to early nineteenth centuries. Like many ports in North Cornwall, Padstow's economy was based on a mixture of fishing and import/export. During the middle ages, Padstow exported copper, tin and lead ores, slate, pilchards and agricultural produce. In Victorian times, coal was imported from Wales and timber from Quebec.

Padstow's fishing industry reached its heyday in the nineteenth century, by which time there were also six shipyards. In the 1880s, shipbuilding declined when wooden ships were replaced by iron but the town was fortunate that by the end of the nineteenth century, east-coast trawlers made Padstow the centre of their winter fishing.

When the railway opened in 1899, this quickly became important for fish export and during the 1920s, there were still well over 100 fishing boats in the harbour. When the railway closed in 1967, the fishing industry went into decline but recovered somewhat in the 1980s with Padstow being recorded as the 3rd largest fishing port in the South West in 1986.

The fishing fleet is much smaller today but is still active, and the National Lobster Hatchery is based beside the car park on the South Quay.

The top of the High Streetin Padstow is the head of what once was a tidal creek, overlooked by the church until the tidal seashore was reclaimed over the past three centuries. Whilst Tokyo is perhaps more famous for its reclaimed land, Padstow got there first!

The celebrity chef and presenter Rick Stein lives in, and is heavily invested in, the Padstow area. He began his culinary career by working in his parents' pub in Padstow. He later opened his own seafood restaurant in the town, which has since become a popular destination for food lovers. Stein has also opened several other restaurants in the town, as well as cookery schools and a seafood delicatessen. In addition to his successful culinary career, he has also written numerous cookery books and presented numerous television shows about food and travel.

At the time of writing, he and his (ex wife) business partner also owned a cluster of self-catering holiday cottages, a pub and 40 guest rooms. Unsurprisingly the magnitude of the enterprise within a relatively small area is controversial: Padstow is cynically referred to by some locals as "Padstein", whilst others point out his enterprises employ over 400 local people and potentially attract more visitors to Padstow than perhaps otherwise would have been the case. Either way, there are now lots of places to eat in Padstow.

The Golden Lion is the oldest inn in Padstow, dating back to the 14th century. Many sales of salvaged goods took place in the "Long Room" behind the Inn. During the May 1st Obby 'Oss festival, the Golden Lion acts as a "stable" for the Old 'Oss.