Penrose and Porthleven circular walk
  1. Make your way to the bottom of the car park and follow the path to emerge on a tarmacked driveway. Turn right (signposted Loe Pool) and follow the driveway to a junction with a Private sign ahead.

    The Penrose family owned a large estate to the south of Helston since mediaeval times which eventually extended from Gunwalloe to one side of Porthleven Harbour. In 1771, it was sold to John Rogers, who became the new squire of the estate and it remained in the Rogers family for another two centuries. In 1974, a large part of it, covering 1,500 acres, was gifted to the National Trust. Penrose House remains as a private family home. This was originally a U-shaped building created in the 17th Century by the Penrose family and remodelled a number of times in the 18th and 19th Centuries by the Rogers family.

  2. Turn left (waymarked Stables Café) and follow the track to another junction.

    Squirrels assess each of their acorns before burying them. If an acorn is too light (which suggests it might have a hole), the squirrel will eat it immediately rather than risking it going mouldy.

  3. Turn right (signposted Loe Pool) and follow the track to a junction just before a metal gate.

    Sycamores like moist soil and the young trees need a lot of water (equivalent to an inch of rain per week) to get established. For this reason, sycamores are very often found along streams or in low-lying meadows that collect water. Once their roots grow deep enough, the mature trees can withstand drought by tapping into underground moisture.

  4. Turn left between the metal bollards and follow the track across the meadow to another junction.

    The small building in the middle of the meadow at Penrose is a bath house built in 1840 which contains a walk-in slate-lined bath in mock Roman style.

  5. Turn right (signposted Stables Café) and follow the track back across the meadow to reach The Stables (café).

    In 2012, Lieutenant Commander John Peverell Rogers died. His elderly wife continued to live in the house and his son Charles - heir to the estate - lived in a cottage as a recluse, suffering from poor mental health. In 2018, Charles died from a methadone overdose at the age of 62 by which point he was sleeping in his car. Charles died apparently without an heir and his mother died two weeks later.

    A local care worker, at the time known as Jordan Adlard, had suspected ever since he was eight that he was the illegitimate son of Charles, but Charles had refused to do a DNA test. After Charles died, the test confirmed what Jordan had suspected and in 2019 the low-paid worker, struggling to pay his bills, became the owner of an estate estimated as worth £50 million. Jordan Adlard-Rogers and his family now live in the house.

  6. From the Stables Café, continue following the track alongside the metal fence to pass a junction to the right and reach a second junction to the right with signposts to Porthleven.

    The café is converted from an 18th Century stable block (hence the name), built in the 1780s.

    Next to the café, the 18th Century walled kitchen garden is in the process of being restored by volunteers. It's open to members of the public to look round and use for picnics (please do a double-check for any accidental litter afterwards). There are some benches along the top wall.

    There's also a second hand bookshop beside the café to help raise funds for the garden restoration work.

  7. Stay on the main track (signposted Loe Bar and Coast Path) and follow it around a bend to reach a wooden gate on the right with a wooden post with yellow and blue waymark arrows.

    During winter, from November to March, winter heliotrope is visible along the edges of roads and paths as carpets of rounded heart-shaped leaves.

    From mid November to January, the plants produce spikes with pale pink flowers. The scent of the flowers resembles marzipan i.e. almond and vanilla. The chemical responsible for the scent (4-methoxybenzaldehyde) has been found to attract pollinators whilst also repelling ants. It is a very similar chemical compound to vanillin (hence the vanilla-like scent).

    During winter, from November to March, winter heliotrope is visible along the edges of roads and paths as carpets of rounded heart-shaped leaves.

    The leaf shape of winter heliotrope is similar to its close relative butterbur, but the leaf edges are more rounded than butterbur and the leaves are evergreen whereas butterbur puts up flowers before it has any leaves. Both plants spread via rhizomes (underground stems) and their broad leaves can crowd out other plants making them potentially invasive.

  8. Go through the gate on the right and follow the path alongside the wall to reach a kissing gate.

    The second part of the Latin name of red campion - dioica ("two houses") - refers to the plants' gender. Whereas many plants produce male and female parts on the same plant, entire plants are dedicated on one gender or the other in this case. The male plants' flowers can be recognised from five yellow stamens sticking out from a protruding ring in the centre of the petals. The female plants' flowers have no protruding ring and instead have 5 curly white stigmas. These produce a white froth to trap pollen.

    Navelwort grows along the wall.

    The succulent leaves of navelwort can be eaten and used in a salad. Older leaves become more bitter so the younger leaves are recommended. The crunchy stems can be added at the last minute to a stir-fry as an alternative to beansprouts. Care should be taken not to pull roots out of a wall when breaking off leaves.

  9. Go through the gate and the one immediately opposite and follow the path a short distance to another gate. Pass to the right of this then follow the path until you reach a fork in the path with a waymark.

    The male and female parts of a foxglove flower mature at different times to help avoid self-fertilisation. This also ties in with the flowers maturing at the bottom of the spike first as pollinators often start at the lowest flower and then work upwards. They land on the mature female flowers first with a cargo of pollen from another plant, and then leave via the mature male flowers with a new load of pollen.

    The woodland is a mix of deciduous trees including beech and oak.

    Oak was often associated with the gods of thunder as it was often split by lightning, probably because an oak is often the tallest tree in the area. Oak was also the sacred wood burnt by the druids for their mid-summer sacrifice.

  10. Keep right at the fork and follow the path uphill to another junction.

    Bluebells are very vulnerable to trampling. The reason for this is that when their leaves emerge in the early part of the year, they are powered by the stored sugars in their bulbs. Sunlight is very limited at this time of the year and even more so in the shady places where they grow. In order to survive, they then need to photosynthesise flat-out to store enough starch in the bulb for next year's growth. If a bluebell’s leaves are crushed, it cannot photosynthesise and and doesn't have enough reserves left in its bulb to grow new ones. It's therefore important to stick to footpaths in bluebell woodland and best to take photos with a zoom lens from there as wandering around in the bluebells to take photos will inadvertently kill them.

    The first trees evolved about 360 million years ago which were a bit like tree versions of mosses. Seeds hadn't evolved at this point and so they reproduced via spores. After the arrival of the seed came conifers which were the dominant form of trees for nearly 200 million years. The flower evolved around 100 million years ago and following this, broadleaf trees appeared and eventually out-competed conifers in many habitats.

  11. At the junction, keep left to follow the path downhill. Continue to where it bends sharply at a waymark post then around the bend to descend to meet the main track.

    Beech bark is very delicate and does not heal easily. Consequently some graffiti carved in beech trees is still present from more than a century ago. This is a practice that should be strongly discouraged as it permanently weakens the tree, making attack by insects more likely which can prematurely end its life.

  12. Turn right onto the track and follow this for roughly a quarter of a mile to a path on the right opposite a signpost for Coast Path to Porthleven, just before the lodge.

    The Loe was originally the estuary of the River Cober which was flooded after the last Ice Age when sea levels rose. The contours of the original valley can be traced for several miles out to sea. The estuary is now blocked by a bar of sand and shingle which has created the largest freshwater lake in Cornwall. The earliest record of the name was in 1337, when it was called "La Loo", but is now pronounced "low". It is from the Cornish word logh which is equivalent to the Scottish "loch".

  13. At the signpost, turn right and follow the path to another junction. Turn left to continue on the Coast Path to Porthleven and follow the zig-zag path uphill to another junction.

    The Loe Bar is composed mainly of shingle that is not of local origin: it is mostly chalk flint. It is thought that this was washed down from the terraces of the river which the English Channel once was, when sea levels rose after the last Ice Age. It is also thought that the bar of shingle initially formed offshore and then slowly moved towards the shore so that the bar across The Loe may not have been in place until early mediaeval times or at most a few thousand years ago. The bar was originally porous, allowing seawater into the lake but fine silt released by mining activity upriver has caused it to seal so that it is now freshwater. To prevent flooding in parts of Helston, a disused mine adit has been repurposed as an overflow from the Loe Pool into the sea. On occasions this has blocked and so the Bar has been intentionally breached to release the build-up of water, but the Bar has always resealed itself. It is thought that Longshore Drift plays an important part in the maintenance of the Bar and causes it to gradually accumulate more sediment over time.

    During violent winter storms, waves have been known to break all the way over the bar into the Loe Pool. Even under normal conditions, the sea off the beach is extremely dangerous and a number of people have been drowned, some just from paddling. It is notorious for its massive unexpected shore dumps which can appear out of nowhere even in calm weather and suck people under the water as the shingle caves in beneath their feet. Some locals have called for a skull-and-crossbones to be added to signs on the "killer beach" which is reputed to take one soul every seven years.

  14. At the junction, turn left to follow the coast path to Porthleven. Continue on the surfaced path for just under half a mile to reach a junction of paths with the remains of a signpost.

    The engine houses that you can see on the coast in the distance are part of Wheal Trewavas.

    The Wheal Trewavas mine opened in 1834 and worked four copper lodes which ran under the seabed. Wheal Trewavas produced over £100,000 worth of copper ore, which in today's money would be over £10 million. By the 1840s, the lodes were beginning to peter out or were too close to the seabed to be mined safely without causing flooding. Mining became uneconomical and it closed in 1846 with allegations that the last dividends had been paid from bank overdrafts.

    The large, circular area next to the lowest engine house was known as a "capstan platt", where a capstan powered by horses would be used for winching ore up from the mine. The flat, round area has proved irresistible to helicopter pilots from Culdrose who are reported to sometimes use it for landing practice.

    More about the Wheal Trewavas.

  15. Keep left on the coast path and follow the path to pass through a gap in a wall. Continue to reach a Coast Path sign near the ground where a small path departs to the left.

    Kestrels are members of the falcon family and the most common bird of prey in Europe although in recent years in Britain they have been overtaken by the buzzard. They can be recognised from their fairly small size for a bird of prey, brown plumage and black tips to their tail when in flight. Despite having a wingspan of over half a metre, kestrels only weigh around 200g.

  16. Keep right on the main path and follow this to reach a flight of steps. Follow the path down from the cliffs to emerge into a parking area along a track.

    The name Porthleven can be interpreted as the Cornish for "smooth cove" which could be a reference to the relatively sheltered natural harbour that existed here before the Victorian port was built, or it could possibly be from the name of the stream leading into the harbour. Names in the Cornish language normally date from the period before the Norman Conquest when landowners still spoke Cornish so the settlement may date from the Early Middle Ages. The first documented record of the settlement is from 1529 although records of a chapel of St Elvan date from 1257, so another theory is that the "leven" originates from the name of the 5th Century Celtic saint but no historical evidence has so far been found.

  17. Turn right onto the track and follow this to where it becomes a tarmacked lane and continue uphill on this to a junction.

    In 1948, The Energetic - a fishing boat crewed by six brothers from Porthleven - was out fishing when thick fog rolled in whilst their nets were out. Meanwhile, The Chrysanthy Star - an American steamship bound for Falmouth - had realised they had insufficient coal to reach port and so had changed course for the Isles of Scilly. In the fog, the visibility was only around 150 yards, and the steamer struck the fishing boat which sank in seconds. The only survivor of the six brothers was the one who couldn't swim. As he went overboard, he grabbed a canvas buoy but this was punctured and sank. Next he tried to stay afloat using a wooden spar from the ship but this would not hold his weight. Finally he managed to reach one of the boat's marker buoys and hold onto this for 15 minutes until he was rescued by a lifeboat. A church service was attended by over 1000 fishermen from all over Cornwall.

  18. Bear left at the junction to follow the lane downhill. Continue to where it splits around a building with a path marked Mount's Road on the left.

    In February 1833, a smack (a traditional fishing boat under sail) named "John and Mary" was carrying a cargo of pork and butter from Cork to Plymouth but ran into bad weather and attempted to make a run for Falmouth. A diary records:

    She mistook the light at Penzance pier-head for the Lizard and seeing a light at Porthleven (which was a man carrying a lantern) mistook Porthleven for Falmouth and ran in as the weather was very bad. She was sold this afternoon.

    The boat grounded on the beach 100 metres from the pier and was wrecked but the crew were all rescued.

  19. Bear left and follow Mount's Road downhill along the sea wall to where it opens out into a road. Continue to where it ends in a junction opposite Captain's Rest.

    The herring gull is the gull most commonly encountered in Cornwall, with a grey back and red spot on their yellow beak. They live for around 12 years and are highly intelligent birds with strong communication and social learning skills. This has allowed them to evolve strategies to obtain food more easily by stealing it from humans, either when briefly left unattended or by swooping and grabbing from unsuspecting hands.

    Whilst their pasty and ice cream stealing antics in coastal resorts might give the impression there are lots around, the coastal herring gull population dropped by about 50% from 1970 to the mid 1980s and the decline has continued with another drop of around 50% up to 2020.

    Part of the decline in coastal herring gull populations can be explained by a migration of birds inland to urban areas. Birds have been driven inland in search of food and roosting sites due to declining fish populations and lack of undisturbed coastal nesting sites. In urban areas, streetlights allow gulls to forage by night and there is no longer much competition from red kites, which scavenged the rubbish tips in the Middle Ages. A survey of the inland populations has found these populations appear to be reasonably stable despite some problems with disease from foraging on rubbish tips. Another problem for both coastal and inland populations is avian flu, from which tens of thousands of seabird deaths have reported since 2021.

    The herring gull is an example of a "ring species". In Europe, the lesser black-backed gull and herring gull are distinct species, yet as you circumnavigate the globe, the populations become more similar until they merge in the middle as a single species.

    Herring gulls are able to communicate nuances both by altering the frequency and timbre of their calls - conveying, for example, the relative severity of a threat in an alarm call. They also analyse and remember the personality of their neighbours, ignoring more skittish birds but taking action when a more trusted bird raises an alarm.

  20. Turn left and follow the road to another junction.

    There are several reasons why seagulls should not be fed.

    One is that human foods are not nutritionally suitable for seagulls but seagulls are not smart enough to know these can damage their health.

    Another is that seagulls become dependent on humans and lose the skills to obtain food from natural sources.

    The reason most affecting us is that feeding seagulls makes them less scared of humans. Since seagulls do not have have the emotional wiring to empathise with humans, fear is the only thing preventing that interaction being aggressive. Seagulls are innately aggressive when it comes to food as their behaviour with other seagulls demonstrates. There are many examples of children being attacked (who then drop food, reinforcing the behaviour).

  21. Bear left onto the no-through road and follow this down to the quay.

    Porthleven's most prominent building is the Institute, instantly recognisable by the 70ft high clock tower. The Institute was built on the site of an 18th Century inn - The Fishmongers Arms - which was demolished in 1883. The new building opened in 1884 as Porthleven Literary Institute for the furthering of scientific knowledge and literacy - a gift to Porthleven from Mr Bickford-Smith of Trevarno, a former Member of Parliament. It is consequently now known as The Bickford Smith Institute. The large reading room contained hundreds of books, newspapers and a telegram news service and was heated by two stoves.

  22. Follow the quayside road along the edge of the harbour to reach the Harbour Inn and continue a short distance further to a junction.

    Until the 19th Century, Porthleven was a small fishing village with a modest harbour. In 1811, permission was granted for a development project to create a new mineral port, importing coal and timber and exporting ore. The building work was completed in 1818, but just four years later the new harbour was destroyed by a storm and was rebuilt in 1825. In 1855, the harbour was improved with the addition of a breakwater and balks to protect boats in the inner harbour during storms. The mineral port proved financially unsuccessful despite several companies attempting to make it a viable enterprise, however, the development of the harbour greatly improved the fishing trade.

  23. At this point, you may want to have a look along the other side of the harbour and return here afterwards.

    The route continues uphill on the road ahead to reach a staggered crossroads after Anne's Pasties.

    The 2 cannons either side of Porthleven harbour were salvaged from the wreck of the HMS Anson in the 1960s together with two others which are now in museums at Helston and Penzance. The cannons had been underwater for just over 150 years.

  24. Turn right onto The Gue and follow this until it ends in a T-junction.

    "Pasty" was another word used for "pie" throughout England from the Middle Ages onward, and did not necessarily imply the characteristic shape and crimping we associate with the Cornish Pasty. A pasty recipe from 1746 contains no veg, just meat (venison), port wine and spices. The first "Cornish pasty" recipe is from 1861 which contained just beef and no veg.

    Even during Victorian times, the main meat available to poor people would have been pork. The Cornish dialect word for a pork flatbread eaten in the mines during the 18th and 19th Centuries is hogen (pronounced "hugg-un") which evolved into "oggy" - the dialect word for pasty. The really poor had a "tiddy oggy" (with no meat at all).

    The "traditional" Cornish Pasty recipe contains beef, onion, potato and swede (referred to as "turnip" in the local dialect from its more formal name of "Swedish turnip") seasoned with salt and pepper. It's thought that this probably dates from the late 18th Century (when the Poldark novels were set) when potatoes and turnips were a staple diet for the poor but the first documented "traditional" recipe is not until 1929. Over 120 million Cornish pasties are now consumed each year.

  25. Turn right and keep left when you reach a junction to follow the road past the war memorial. Continue to reach another junction immediately after the Atlantic Inn.

    Like many War Memorials, the one at Porthleven was constructed after the First World War and then subsequently added to for losses from other conflicts. The site for it was donated by the Penrose family.

    During the First World War nearly 10,000,000 military personnel and over 10,000,000 civilians were killed. A further 23 million people were injured. In addition, over 8,000,000 horses, mules and donkeys and more than 1,000,000 dogs lost their lives. The sixteen million animals that served in World War 1 are commemorated with purple poppies.

  26. Bear right to follow the road downhill to a junction.

    In November 1865, the sailing ship "William of Sunderland" was on its way from Ukraine to Falmouth with a cargo of wheat. To shelter from a storm, the captain headed for Porthleven and made it past the jetty but was then wrecked in the mouth of the harbour. The crew jumped overboard and at least one of the locals jumped into the harbour to help them to safety. However, he got into difficulties himself but was rescued by his uncle who jumped off the pier with a rope tied around his waist.

    Photo from 1865

  27. Bear left to the Keep Clear markings on the road and then bear right past the postbox onto the path leading between the cottages. Follow this to emerge on the road and bear left to follow it a few paces to a junction.

    In November 1931 the schooner "St. Anne" was on its way from Port Talbot with a cargo of coal, bound for France. As it passed Land's End, a gale caused rudder damage and destroyed the sails. Although leaking badly, the ship stayed afloat and was driven by the wind into Mount's Bay, eventually onto the shore at Porthleven, narrowly missing the quay. The crew were all rescued by the locals, as was what remained of the cargo of coal and then the wreck itself (with the help of some wood saws), probably providing heating for the cottages in Porthleven that winter.

    Photo from 1931 at the Morrab Library

  28. You can either bear right to retrace your steps along the sea front via Mount's Road or alternatively keep left for a gentler gradient to where the two rejoin. Then continue following the lane to pass through national speed limit signs and return to the bend where you joined the lane earlier.

    Sea beet grows in various places along the lane, especially at the far end.

    Sea beet has been cross-bred with domesticated crops to re-introduce some of the disease resistance from the tougher wild plant that were lost in the domesticated plants. It is also able to withstand quite high sodium levels in the soil which allows it to grow in salty conditions on the coast.

  29. Turn left at the bend and follow the lane uphill to a Public Bridleway sign.

    Stonechats are robin-sized birds with a black head and orange breast that are common along the Cornish coast all year round.

    A similar-looking bird called the whinchat is also present in the summer but this can be identified by a white stripe across its eye. Both stonechats and whinchats can often be spotted perching on dead sticks or brambles protruding above gorse and heather, and consequently the term "gorse chat" or "furze chat" has been used locally to mean either species. For a long time, stonechats and whinchats were thought to be members of the thrush family but genetic studies have revealed they are actually members of the (Old World) flycatcher family.

  30. Turn right and go through the gap to the left of the gate then follow the path to a metal pedestrian gate.

    There are nearly 400 miles of public bridleway in Cornwall, marked with blue waymarks, which are also open to horses and cyclists, although there is no obligation to make them navigable by any means other than on foot.

  31. Go through the gate and follow the path to where it forks with a wooden signpost alongside.
  32. Keep left at the fork (signposted Penrose Hill) and follow the path to a junction of tracks at a signpost.

    In 1898, a Porthleven fishing boat is recorded as landing a rather unexpected catch. When the (presumably heavy) nets were pulled, they were found to contain a wooden case. When this was brought aboard and opened, it was found to contain a piano which was subsequently restored and used locally.

  33. At the junction, turn left (signposted "Penrose Hill") and follow the path which narrows into an unsurfaced path. Continue on the path for just under half a mile until it ends in a pedestrian gate.

    Sorrel is native to the UK and common in fields and hedgerows. It's salt tolerant so it can often be found on the coast in Cornwall. The leaves resemble small, narrow dock leaves. In summer the plant is often evident in abundance in fields by its red seeds at the top of a tall stalk.

    In common with many vegetables, sorrel contains oxalic acid. Exactly how much is a bit unclear: many articles mention "high amounts" though some published studies report a lower percentage than in spinach, parsley or rhubarb, though don't specify how easily soluble the oxalic acid is in each case. Oxalic acid is poisonous if enough is consumed and prolonged exposure can cause kidney stones. It's therefore a good idea not to eat foods high in oxalic acid every day or in very large quantities.

    The streamers on swallows tails serve an aerodynamic function, assisting tight turns to catch insects. Experiments with sand martins found that they could be "pimped-up" by adding artificial streamers to their tails which afforded them increased manoeuvrability in a flight maze. The suggestion for why swallows have evolved streamers and not sand martins is partly the speedier insects that swallows need to catch and also that sand martins live in burrows and this would risk breaking off one streamer, leading to unbalanced flight.

    Extracts from ivy were used in herbal remedies and still form the basis of some modern-day cough medicines. It is said to have both antibacterial and antiviral properties. A study for English Heritage also found that roadside ivy absorbed particulates from the atmosphere which may lead to its use in improving air quality.

  34. Go through the gate and bear left across the track to the path opposite waymarked for the Stables Café. Go through the pedestrian gate and follow the path towards the farm, then around to the right to a signpost before a gate with a gap to the left.

    The first record of the settlement and manor of Penrose is from 1345 as Penros Methele although Roman coins from around 100 BC were found near the house. The name is from the Cornish words pen, meaning "end" or "top" and ros which has a few different meanings, but in this case, "hill spur" fits the landscape. Penrose is divided into Higher Penrose (the farm) and the lower area with the stately home known now just as Penrose. This division has existed from mediaeval times - Penros Bighan first recorded in 1367, meaning "little Penrose".

  35. Turn left (signposted "Penrose Hill") to follow the path around the farm buildings. Continue on the waymarked path until it ends in a gate onto a track.

    There are 2 sparrow species in the UK but only the house sparrow is common in Cornwall.

    Sparrows are quite versatile in their diet. Insects are an important source of nutrition, especially for young birds. Their favourite food is seeds, particularly cereals. They will eat bread if they are hungry but whole seeds are preferred as they are more nutritious.

  36. Go through the gate and cross over the track to the signpost opposite. Bear right onto the gravel path running parallel to the track and follow this until it ends.

    Cow parsley, also known by the more flattering name of Queen Anne's Lace, is a member of the carrot family. Over the last few decades, cow parsley has substantially increased on roadside verges: there is more than half as much again as there was 30 years ago. The reason is thought to be to an increase in soil fertility caused by a few different factors. In the more distant past, verges were grazed or the grass was cut and used for hay. Now when it is cut by mechanical devices, it is left to rot in place forming a "green manure". In the last few decades there has also been an increase in fertilising nitrogen compounds both from farm overspill and from car exhausts. Whilst this extra fertility is good news for cow parsley and also brambles and nettles, it is causing these species to out-compete many other wildflowers along hedgerows.

    Magpies are often found on farmland such as this.

    Since members of the crow family will eat the eggs and chicks of other birds, there has been concern that magpies might have an effect on the songbird population. However, an extensive study by the British Trust for Ornithology using 35 years of data found that the presence of magpies appeared to have no measurable effect on songbird numbers. It is thought that availability of food and suitable nesting sites are probably the main factors limiting songbird populations. Hedgerows are a particularly important habitat.

  37. Turn left onto the track to return to the car park and complete the circular route.

    Many Cornish place names contain the word "rose" (Roseland, Roseworthy, Roserrow, Penrose and even just Rose) but these come from the Cornish word ros which can either mean "promontory" (e.g. peninsula or hill spur) or "moor" so are likely to be descriptions of elevated landscape features. Confusingly though, the Cornish word for "rose" is also ros.

The grey heron is an unmistakably massive bird with a 6ft wingspan and yet weighs in at only 1-2kg. The call of the heron is equally unsubtle - a loud croaking "fraaank" noise that is more like grating metal than the sound of birdsong. Herons are most commonly seen in or near freshwater where they hunt for fish. The number of breeding herons has been steadily growing in the UK due to mild winters as they struggle to feed during cold weather when ice forms a barrier on the surface of water.

Although herons primarily eat fish, they will eat frogs, rodents, moles, ducklings and even baby rabbits! They are quite brave birds and will venture into gardens and parks to eat the ornamental fish. They have also been known to visit zoos to steal fish during penguin and seal feeding.

Herons nest in tree-top colonies known as "heronries" where they make a large nest from twigs. It is not unusual for a single tree to contain as many as 10 nests and the overall colony can reach over a hundred nests. The herons re-use their nest for as many years as possible until it gets blown away by a storm. It is unwise to stand beneath a heronry as the birds defend their nests by regurgitating half-digested fish on those below!

In mediaeval Britain, roast heron was a prized dish reserved for aristocratic banquets. In Tudor and Elizabethan times, hunting herons with peregrine falcons was considered a royal sport which resulted in the population being protected from peasants who might otherwise have caught and roasted them.

The English surnames Earnshaw and Hernshaw originally meant "heron wood" and the surname Herne is also a corruption of Heron.

The buzzard family is quite closely related to hawks and consists of a number of different species which occupy different habitat niches (e.g. colder countries further north). The buzzard species we see in the UK is the common buzzard. This is one of the largest birds of prey in Britain with a wingspan of over 4 feet.

The name buzzard is from mediaeval English buisart which itself came from the Old French word buson. It is based on the Latin word for hawk or falcon buteo hence its scientific name is Buteo buteo.

Buzzards are not quiet birds! Their long, loud "pieeuuu" call can be often be the first thing to give away their presence and is one of the easiest bird calls to remember. It is thought that the original Latin word for buzzard was probably an onomatopoeia (i.e. an imitation of the bird's call) within the constraints of what was deemed an acceptable Latin word (suggesting "pieeuuu" would probably have resulted in being fed to the lions!).

Buzzards were once thought to be a threat to game birds and were actively shot. During the 1950s-60s, the combination of myxomatosis nearly wiping out one of their main food sources and use of pesticides such as DDT caused further decline in the buzzard population. Since then the population has gradually recovered and buzzards are now the commonest and most widespread bird of prey in the UK.

A large proportion of buzzards diet is earthworms and carrion and consequently they have a reputation for being lazy and scavengers. However, when they need to be, buzzards are formidable predators. Diving on rabbits and small mammals from a slow or hovering flight, or from a perch, they nearly always make the kill on the ground.

In a natural habitat, buzzards perch at the top of trees to survey the surrounding fields. Their brown-and-white pattern camouflages them quite well so it's quite common for walkers to inadvertently disturb what turns out to be a huge flapping monster just feet away. Telegraph poles provide a perfect alternative to trees without any cluttering branches so buzzards can often be seen perched on the top, unfazed by cars passing beneath.

Buzzards breed once they reach 2-3 years old. During their breeding season in spring, male buzzards create spectacular aerial displays to impress females by soaring high into the air and dropping suddenly towards the ground. The birds then pair for life.

A pair of buzzards have a territory which includes a number of possible nesting sites which can be as many as 20. They move nesting site each year which prevents a buildup of nest parasites such as bird fleas. The new nest is decorated with fresh green foliage.

Chestnut trees deciduous but when in leaf, are recognisable by their large, long leaves with serrated edges. In September and October they can also be recognised by the nut cases which are spiky all over (conkers have infrequent spikes with bald areas in between) and the spikes are sharp.

The chestnut tree originated in Sardinia and there is evidence of its cultivation by humans from around 2000 BC. It was introduced into Britain by the Romans who planted chestnut trees on their campaigns to provide an easily stored and transported source of food for their troops.

In England, the chestnut was originally known as the chesten nut. Both this and the modern French word châtaigne descend from the Old French word chastain.

Unlike many nuts which are designed to last through the winter and then germinate in the spring, chestnuts germinate in the autumn and waste no time putting down some roots. The leaves and stem follow in the spring and their established root system gives these a head start.

Since chestnuts don't need to hang around for a long time on the ground, they are nutritionally more similar to a cereal - containing principally starch and sugars - than a typical nut. They contain very little fat and are consequently much less calorific than other nuts: the kernels contain around a third of the calories of a similar weight of other nuts.

The size of the nuts from wild British chestnut trees is quite variable but the largest rival the nuts sold in supermarkets. Nuts that are very flat or less than the girth of your little finger are not worth harvesting; anything bigger is viable. A painless way to extract the nuts is to grip the husk between your feet and rub it between your boots or against the ground. This saves having to handle the spiky husks as the spikes are very sharp and tend to break off under the skin to leave behind splinters. Often the husks contain one (fairly round) large nut surrounded by several small, flat nuts, so it's worth squeezing out quite a few husks to get the larger nuts. Discard any nuts with holes in (as they will contain maggots) or that are very dark in colour - the fresher ones will be "chestnut" brown rather than dark brown.

To roast chestnuts, prick each of your chestnuts with a skewer or slit the shell with a knife - this is vital to stop them exploding (and disappearing into dust). Bake them in a hot oven for at least 10 minutes. Wild chestnuts are harder to shell than the shop-bought variety as the shells are much thinner and the nuts are often smaller. An easier way to separate the edible part from the shell is to simply slice the shell in half and then scoop out the contents with the point of a knife blade. Also this way, the bitter pith covering the outside of the nut is left behind in the shell. The contents of the nut should be fluffy and pale yellow; discard any that are brown. Separating the flesh from the shells is a fairly tedious process, but with a few friends armed with large cups of tea, a formidable amount of chestnut can be extracted which can be used to make stuffings, soups or whizzed into flour and added to bread recipes. It also freezes nicely so it can be stored up for Christmas recipes.

The Ship Inn is the oldest remaining pub in Porthleven, built in the first decade of the 19th Century and originally named the Ship Tavern. The Fishmongers' Arms on the opposite side of the harbour was older, built in the 18th Century, but this was demolished and the Institute built in its place.

In 1684, the East India Company cargo ship The President was on its way back from India laden with an expensive cargo that included spices, indigo, drugs, pearls and diamonds. The valuable cargo was targeted by pirates but the heavily armed ship was able to see them off, exploding one of the pirate ships with a direct hit on the powder magazine.

As The President approached Cornwall it faced strong winds which prevented docking to re-provision. As food supplies dwindled, the crew became malnourished and too weak to man the ship. In desperation, they ate the ship's dog but this was insufficient and the unguided ship grounded on the Loe Bar in a storm and was smashed into pieces.

Only two crew members survived - narrowly - as after making it to shore after clinging to the cliffs, some not-so-sympathetic locals attempted to club them to death on the off-chance they might have salvaged something valuable!

Divers have located the remains of the ship including cannons and the anchor which is now a protected archaeological site.

In 1891, A Norwegian ship "Louise" carrying a cargo of wooden flooring was caught in a storm off Cornwall and attempted to reach Porthleven harbour. The gale was too strong to navigate the harbour so the ship ran ashore on the beach. The crew were all rescued using a line carried by a rocket.

In January 1884, the Austrian sailing vessel Cviet was on the way to Falmouth from the Caribbean with a cargo of wood used to produce dyes for textiles. On the approach to Cornwall, a strong gale swept away the cargo from the deck and left the ship unmanageable. The captain made a run for the shore before the ship sank, and nearly made it to Porthleven harbour but was driven ashore on the rocks to the east of the pier. The captain, bowswain and a seaman drowned attempting to reach the shore and are buried at Porthleven church.

Photo from 1884 at the National Maritime Museum