Scouting for route changes
Over time, small changes to footpath "furniture" require the walk directions to be updated. You can help us keep the walks as up-to-date as possible by spotting these changes and feeding them back.
Things to be on the lookout for
- Gates or fences that have been removed
- Stiles that have been replaced by gates
- Stiles that have fallen into disuse (bypassed)
- Gates the directions mention going through that have been taken off or look like they will never be closed again.
- Waymark posts referenced in the directions that have disappeared or new ones that have appeared which confuse the directions
What to do when you spot a directions issue
- Take a photo of the thing that's changed and its surroundings. If we can see alternative landmarks in the photo that we could use instead to rewrite the direction, that could save us a long drive.
- If you're using the app, click on the "actions" button next to the direction on the directions screen and then "report an issue with this direction". Describe what's changed and include your photo(s).
- If you're not using the app, email us at and attach your photo(s). As well as what's changed, don't forget to tell us which walk you were doing and the direction number where you spotted the issue.
Footpath access problems
If a footpath is overgrown or has broken stiles/gates/steps, again take a photo but instead let the Local Authority Countryside Team know.