User guide for Mystery Walks app

User guide for the Mystery Walks app


    What does the app do?

    The Mystery Walks app is a digital walking guide, puzzle game and a storytelling adventure that takes you to iconic outdoor locations throughout Cornwall.

    Each mystery is a unique mystery that you need to solve by following clues, cracking codes, and finding hidden secrets. You'll start at a designated point, then the app will reveal the next part of the route as you progress. Along the way, you'll learn about the history and heritage of the area, and enjoy the stunning scenery of Cornwall.

    Mystery Walks uses precise, hand-crafted directions and GPS technology to ensure you won't get lost and will visit some of well-known and less well-known places during your adventure.

    Using the app

    The first time you start the app, it will display the Terms of Use which reminds you of the conditions of using the app (by pressing the "Agree" button to dismiss them, you are explicitly agreeing to those terms). You'll then be shown a quick illustrated walkthrough that shows you how the app works. Press "Next" or swipe left to view the next slide or if you've read it before, press "Close" to proceed to the Home screen.

    Buying a mystery walk

    While the app is free, you'll need to buy each mystery walk before you can use it. Once purchased, the mystery walk can be used once on that device. To do the mystery walk again, you'll need to repurchase it.

    To buy a mystery walk, from the Home screen, select Walks for the available list of mysteries. Select a mystery walk to view the details screen for that mystery and if you like it, press the "Buy" button to purchase it.

    Walks are bought as "consumable in-app purchases" from the platform owner (Apple or Google) using the Apple/Google account your device is signed in with.

    Once the purchase is successful, the app will download the mystery walk to your device so you can use it. Once downloaded, the mystery walk is consumed and so cannot be transferred to another device, so make sure you purchase the mystery walk on the device you plan to use to do the mystery walk.

    Starting a mystery walk

    Once you've purchased a mystery walk, it will be downloaded and installed on your device. When it's ready to use, it will be shown with the status "Ready to start" on the Walks screen. You can open it by pressing the "Open" button on the Walk details screen.

    The first time you open a mystery walk, the app will ask for your permission to use your device's features such as location, motion and camera.
    IMPORTANT: It's essential you grant all of the permissions the app requests otherwise it will not be able to function properly and you won't be able to do the mystery walk. For more information on which permissions the app requests and why, please see the App permissions section.

    When you open a mystery walk for the first time, you'll be taken to the Summary screen which shows you how to get to start of the mystery walk and provides an introduction to the mystery that you'll be solving. If you've not already read it, you'll also see a "Before you go" button which shows important information and tips to consider. Make sure you read both the introduction and "Before you go" information before you set off to start the mystery walk!

    When you reach the start location, the mystery walk should start automatically. However, if for some reason you can't reach the start, or it doesn't start automatically, press the "Manually start" button.

    Solving the mystery

    Once you've started a mystery walk, you'll be notified that the mystery has begun and now it's time to solve it!

    Every mystery walk starts on the Story screen, setting out the scene for the mystery you'll be solving. Read the slide and then press the "Next" button or swipe left to view the next slide.

    Soon you'll reach the Puzzle screen that will show the first puzzle you'll need to solve to progress.

    Once you've made your way through all the story slides and puzzles, the Directions screen will show the first set of direction instructions to reach the next location.

    The Map screen will show now show your current position and the next location you need to reach.

    You don't need to have the app open or your screen turned on while you are walking to the next location: the app will notify you once you reach it with a system notification (make sure your volume is turned up!)

    When you reach the next location, the next part of the mystery will be revealed. Read the slides and solve the puzzles to progress and show directions to the next location.

    As you unlock each location, it will be shown on the Map screen, along with the route to reach it.

    Your progress in solving the mystery is shown in the progress bar at the top of the Story/Puzzle/Directions screens.

    Solving some puzzles will add items to your Backpack which you'll need later on to solve the mystery.

    Other puzzles will add location markers to the map - pay attention, you'll need to visit these locations to solve the mystery!

    Completing the mystery walk

    Once you've reached the final location, the final part of the mystery will be revealed. Follow the remaining direction instructions to get back to the start location of the mystery walk. The Map screen will now show the route back to the start location.

    Or if you don't want to return to the start location, press the "End mystery" button on the Directions screen to end the mystery walk right then and there. Note: if you ended the mystery walk and change your mind, you can always "Unend" the mystery walk on the Walk options screen.

    The Backpack will be replaced with the Stats screen which will show you how you did on the mystery walk, including how long it took, how far you walked, how many puzzles you solved, etc.

    Finishing the mystery walk

    Once you return to the start location, the mystery walk will automatically end. Or if you press the "End mystery" button, it will also end.

    The app will now stop tracking your position and show you the final stats for the mystery walk on the Stats screen.

    Help for each screen in the app

    Home screen

    The Home screen is the first screen you see when you start the app. It shows the following buttons:

    • Mysteries - shows the list of mysteries that are available to purchase/have been purchased.
    • Before you go - a list of important considerations. Make sure to read this before you set off to start your first mystery walk!
    • Tips - a list of useful tips for solving mysteries and enjoying the mystery walk.
    • More info - shows a list of more information and options.

    More info screen

    • Get started - shows the quick illustrated walkthrough of how to use the app.
    • FAQ - shows a list of answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
    • User guide - shows this guide
    • Settings - shows the Settings screen where you can set various preferences.
    • Contact us - enables you to contact us about app issues, problems, feedback, etc. byt guiding you through a flow to open an email form which you can send us.
    • Terms of use - shows the Terms of Use that were displayed when the app was run for the first time.
    • Privacy policy - shows our data protection and handling policies.

    Settings screen

    This screen allows you to customise settings for the app. Your choices will be remembered and restored next time you run the app. The following settings can be changed:

    • Units - The units of measurement to use for distances: either Imperial (Miles) or Metric (Kilometres).
    • Sound effects - Whether to play sound effects when you solve a puzzle, etc.
    • Map rotation - a selector to change when/how Map screen will automatically rotate with the following possible options:
      • Rotate with route - the map will automatically rotate as you progress around the mystery walk route so the next part of the route is facing upwards. This is the default setting.
      • Rotate with compass - the map will automatically rotate using your device compass; as you rotate the device, the map will rotate to keep the arrow facing upwards.
      • Don't rotate - the map will not automatically rotate, however you can manually rotate the map using the 2-finger "pinch and twist" gesture.
    • Reset default settings - resets all settings to their default values.
    • Reshow all tooltips - shows all the tooltips again that you see when you first use the app.

    Mysteries screen

    This screen shows a list of mysteries that are available to purchase/have been purchased. Each mystery walk is shown along with its status, which can be:

    • Available - a mystery walk which is available to purchase. Tapping on the mystery walk will take you to the Walk details screen where you find details about the mystery walk and purchase it.
    • Ready to start - once you've purchased a mystery walk, it will be downloaded and installed on your device. When it's ready to use, it will be shown with this status. Tapping on will open the Directions screen where you will find information about how to start the mystery walk.
    • In progress - once you've started a mystery walk, if you exit from it, it will be shown in this status. Tapping on it will take you back to the Directions screen where you can continue the mystery walk.
    • Completed - once you've completed a mystery walk, it will be shown in this status. Tapping on it will take you to the Walk details screen where you can open the mystery walk again or purchase it again, so you can do it again.
    • Currently unavailable - a mystery walk which is not currently available to purchase. Tapping on the mystery walk will take you to the Walk details screen where you find details about why the mystery walk is currently unavailable.
    • Update required - sometimes we'll need to release an update for a mystery walk to correct errors or add new features. If you've purchase a mystery walk but not started it, then it should be updated automatically when you visit the Mysteries screen. However, if the update fails, or you cancel it, it will be shown in this status. Tapping on the mystery walk will take you to the Walk details screen where you can manually update it.
    • Not downloaded - after purchasing a mystery walk, it should automatically download to your device. However, if the download fails, or you cancel it, it will be shown in this status. Tapping on the mystery walk will take you to the Walk details screen where you can manually download it.

    Walk details screen

    This screen shows details about a mystery walk, including:

    • An introduction to the mystery that you'll be solving.
    • A summary of the route (without giving too much away!).
    • Information about the mystery walk, including the distance, duration, difficulty, etc.

    You may also see the following buttons:

    • Buy - if you've not yet purchased the mystery walk, press this button to buy it. If you've already purchased and completed the mystery walk, press this button to buy it again.
    • Open - once you purchased the mystery walk, press this button to open it on the Directions screen where you'll find information about how to start the mystery walk and an introduction to the mystery.
    • Update - if you've purchased a mystery walk and not started it yet, and for some reason an update for it didn't download to your device, press this button to manually update it.
    • Download - if you've purchased a mystery walk and not started it yet, and for some reason it didn't download to your device, press this button to manually download it.

    Summary screen

    When you first open a mystery walk you've purchased, you'll see the following information:

    • Introduction - an introduction to the mystery that you'll be solving - read this before you start the mystery walk!
    • Getting there - driving and walking directions to the start of the mystery walk.
      • Driving directions - shows the location and directions to the car park nearest to the start of the mystery walk. Press the "Driving directions" button to launch a SatNav app on your device for this destination.
      • Walking directions - Press the "Walking directions" button to launch a map app on your device with walking directions to this destination.
    • Make your way to the start - shows location of the start of the mystery walk along with the distance and direction from your current position to it.
      • When you reach the start location, the mystery walk should start automatically.
      • However, if for some reason you can't reach the start, or it doesn't start automatically, press the "Manually start" button.

    Story screen

    Each mystery walk has a story that you'll follow as you progress through the mystery walk. The story is told through a series of slides which you'll read in between solving puzzles and following directions.

    Sometimes story slides will also add items to your backpack or markers on the map.

    Puzzles screen

    In order to reveal the next part of the mystery walk route and to eventually solve the mystery, you'll need to solve various types of puzzles.

    Most puzzles don't need to know your current location, so the app will stop tracking your position while you solve them to save battery life.

    Most puzzles have a "Show hint" button which you can press to get clues to help you solve it. There are several hints for each puzzle, getting progressively easier.

    All puzzles have a "Help" button, so if you get completely stuck on a puzzle or if there's another problem such as an obscured clue, press this to get help. There is a backup photo for every clue you need to spot.

    Photo clues

    Some puzzles might require you to take a photo of a clue which you can refer back to later in your backpack in order to solve the puzzle.

    Press the "Take photo" button to open a view of your device's camera.

    The first time you do this, you'll need to give permission for the app to access your device's camera.

    You can use a 2-finger pinch gesture on the camera view to zoom in and out.

    Press the "Take photo" button to take a photo then the green tick button to accept it and add it to your backpack, or the red cross button to retake it.

    If you're unable to take a photo of the clue for some reason, press the "Help" button where you can choose to add our backup photo of the clue to your backpack.

    Directions screen

    When you've solved all the puzzles at the current location, the Directions screen will show direction instructions to reach the next location.

    While the direction instructions are displayed, the app will use your device's GPS to track your location.

    The direction from your current position to the next location, along with the distance to it will be shown below the instructions.

    When you reach the next location, you'll be notified and the app will show the next part of the mystery.

    If you have a problem like you can't get to the next location for some reason, press the "Help" button.

    Map screen

    Once you start the mystery walk, the Map screen will show your current position and the next location you need to reach.

    Your current position is shown as a red arrow, indicating the way you (your device) is facing.

    Locations are shown as numbered circles: the current location is green, the next location is yellow and previous locations are grey.

    The route between locations is shown as a purple line.

    By default the map view is locked to show your current position in the centre of the map and the map is rotated so the route to the next location faces forwards (towards the top of the screen).

    You can pan the map by dragging a finger on it, zoom in and out using the pinch gesture, and rotate the map using the 2-finger "pinch and twist" gesture.

    To rotate the map so north is up, press the compass button in the top-right corner of the screen.

    To lock the map back to its default view, press the lock button in the top-centre of the screen.

    Solving some puzzles will add location markers to the map. When a marker is added, a red plus icon will flash on the map tab at the bottom of the screen. When you switch to the map tab, the map view will adjust to show the new marker relative to your current position and it will be highlighted by a red pulsing circle.

    Tap on any map marker to display a popup with information about that location.

    Backpack screen

    Your backpack is where you'll find items you've collected during the mystery walk. You'll need to use these items to solve the mystery.

    When you solve a puzzle that adds an item to your backpack, you'll be notified by a flashing red plus icon on the backpack tab at the bottom of the screen.

    Tap on the backpack tab to open the Backpack screen and view the items you've collected.

    Tap on an item to view more information about it.

    By default, items are appear in the order that you collect them. You can reorder the items by toggling the switch in the top-right corner (useful for some mysteries).

    Items that are no longer needed are automatically removed from the backpack as you progress.

    Walk options screen

    This screen shows options for the mystery walk you're currently doing. The following options may be shown:

    • Exit mystery - exits the current mystery and returns you to the Mysteries screen. This will stop the app tracking your location and progressing through the mystery walk. You can resume the mystery walk later by tapping on it on the Mysteries screen.
    • Report issue - if you have a problem with the mystery walk, such as you can't get to the next location for some reason, or you need to report a problem with the instructions, press this button to report it to us.
    • Pause mystery - if you need to pause the mystery walk for some reason while the app is tracking your current position, press this button to pause it. This will stop the app tracking your position and progressing through the mystery walk. You can resume the mystery walk later by tapping on it on the "Resume mystery" button.
    • Unend mystery - if you manually ended the mystery walk, you can "unend" it to resume it.

    Stats screen

    Once you've solved the mystery, this screen will show you how you did on the mystery walk, such as how long it took, how far you walked, how many puzzles you solved, etc.

    App permissions

    The app will ask for your permission to use your device's features such as location, motion and camera. Without these permissions, the app will not be able to function properly and you won't be able to do the mystery walk.

    The following permissions are needed:

    Location permission

    • The app needs to know your location, even when the screen is off (which is called "background location" permission), to track your progress around the mystery walk route and notify you when you reach the next location.
    • The app needs to access your precise location to so it can pinpoint exactly where you are on the map and notify you when you reach the next location.
    • The app does not store or transmit your location data, which we regard as personal private information.

    Motion permission

    The app needs to know when you're moving in order to track your progress around the mystery walk route and to show you which direction to go using the compass.

    Notifications permission

    The app needs to send you notifications to notify you when you reach the next location.

    Camera permission

    • The app needs to use your device's camera to take photos of clues in order to solve puzzles.
    • Photos are stored only in your backpack within the app so it does not need to access your photo gallery and will not store/transmit your photos off the device. When you finish a mystery walk, any photos in your backpack are deleted.