Tips during the mystery walk
Finding your way
On the directions page, the compass arrow points - as the crow flies - to where you are headed next. If you are reading this, we can safely say that YOU ARE NOT A CROW so don't forget to read the directions text above it for how to navigate around the various buildings etc.
Also don't forget the map is always there. The map tab along the bottom of the screen shows where you are at all times vs the route to the next direction so if you're unsure of the directions at any point, this will help.
Stand somewhere out of traffic/pedestrian flow
Since it's quite easy to get wrapped-up in the story, whenever you stop to solve a puzzle, take a moment to find somewhere sensible to stand/sit
Where possible, nominate someone in your group as chief lookout for traffic and other pedestrians.
Help for how each puzzle works
If you're using for the app the first time you can use "Help" > "About this puzzle" for an explanation of what to do on each puzzle (includes a screenshot with arrows for what each bit does).
Hint: use the hints
There is no penalty for using the hints (other than having to wait for them) - they are there to be used.
Not only will it save some time if you don't immediately know the answer, but it's also more rewarding/informative than just guessing as you'll know WHY the answer that you picked is the right one.
After all the hints (and there are usually quite a few), if you're still stuck on a puzzle, you can use the Help button and "Give up on puzzle" which will show the answer and move onto the next direction. That's fairly unlikely though as the hints get successively easier so by the the last one it should be fairly easy anyway.
Tips for sharing puzzles in a group
For puzzles with a word or number answer, our testers found that saying "I think I know it" was a good way for each of them to solve a puzzle without giving the answer away. This allowed anyone in the group who wanted to work it out individually to do so (not everyone does, on every puzzle) and then compare notes before feeding the answer into the app.
For "snap"-style interactive puzzles based on spotting two objects the same, the back button can be used to let someone else also have a go at it.
Sort your backpack to make it easier to find things
By default, things are added to your backpack in the order collected. You can manually sort the items using the Reorder switch at the top. Some of the mysteries involve getting things into a certain order so it's particularly helpful for those.
Dealing with wonky GPS
GPS accuracy varies with phone hardware (newer is usually better) but also high buildings and deep valleys can obscure satellites which reduces accuracy and makes the phone take a bit longer to get a position fix. If you're at the right spot but your phone is away with the fairies, give it a good few seconds to find its satellites. If after about 30 seconds the GPS position is still drifting around like Amy Strayter after half a bottle of rum, use the "I'm there" button to tell the app that you're definitely in the right spot.
Dealing with obscured clues
If someone is sat in front of a plaque having their lunch or it's obscured under temporary scaffolding, you can magic the obstruction away using the clue photo.
Press the "Help" button on the puzzle and there is an option for "Show clue photo" so you can see the clue minus the obstruction.
You can also use this mechanism if the object containing the clue has been removed for some reason (but let us know in that case so we can start looking for an alternative clue).
Dealing with temporary blockages on the route (e.g. roadworks)
If the route has a blockage, use "I can't get there" on the Help menu of the directions screen. This will lead you through the steps of using map to get to the closest point on the route on the other side of the blockage and then catching you up on any puzzles, giving you photos of any the clues that lie within the blocked area.
Saving battery on long stops
If you're stopping for food etc., you can press the "Pause" button on the options tab to shut down the phone's GPS to save battery whilst you are stopped (remember to re-enable it afterwards).