Puzzle troubleshooting
I don't understand what to do
Read "About this puzzle" so you're up-to-speed on how the puzzle works.
If the answer isn't obvious from the initial question, use the "Show Hint" button (or Help button to access hints for puzzle types where this isn't on the initial screen). There are multiple hints for each puzzle, each giving a little more help with working out the answer.
I'm not sure I'm in the right place
Check the Map tab (along the bottom of the screen). The location that you should have reached is shown by a green circle (with a number). Your position on the map is shown by the red arrow which moves on the map as you walk.
I can't find the clue
Start by double-checking the wording of the question and then using the hints for the puzzle. If the clue is something physical you need to look for, there will normally be a hint describing exactly where to look. If the puzzle is referencing an object that's already in your backpack, there will be a hint stating that too.
If you're pretty sure you're looking in the right place for a physical clue but it's not there or is obscured, on the Help menu, use "Clue photo" so you can see the clue before it was abducted/obstructed.
My photo in the backpack isn't readable
If you need to zoom in, tap on the photo in your backpack to open it and then use 2 fingers to pinch (pushing them apart to zoom in).
If you photo is blurry or of the wrong thing, open your photo in the backpack and switch to the backup photo.