Mystery Walks App - tips



    Buying mysteries

    Normal behaviour: mysteries are sold as in-app purchases so on pressing "Buy mysteries", iOS pops up a box for Apple to take a payment and the purchase is stored in your Apple account. The app is then notified of the purchase and should download the mysteries.

    Trouble making a purchase

    If you are having trouble making a payment to Apple, here are some things that could help:

    • Check you have a valid payment method setup for the App Store. There are some tips on how to do this here.
    • Check the restrictions on your device to make sure in-app purchases are allowed. There's a guide here.
    • Restart your device (this will force it to re-sync its purchasing data with Apple's servers).
    • If you haven't previously purchased any mystery walks (so there is nothing to lose on your device), do an uninstall/reinstall of the app just in case the app didn't install cleanly (which can cause all sorts of weird behaviour).

    If none of those things help you can try contacting Apple for support as they will be able to look into any issues with your Apple account.

    Not sure if purchase went through

    You can double-check that the purchase went through and was recorded in your Apple account using the guide here.