iWalk Cornwall - content available for embedding

Content you can embed in your site

We have made summaries of our walks available which you can incorporate into your own website using one of the mechanisms outlined on this page.

Embeddable walks or lists of walks

Summaries of our walks with a link to the full walk page are available for embedding into your website, via an IFRAME, for example:

<iframe src="https://www.iwalkcornwall.co.uk/walks/near/padstow/embed" width="600" height="1000"></iframe>

The layout is stretchy so you can set the width to whatever suits your site; you'll need to tune the height depending on what you're embedding and whether you want to use scrollbars. The URLs all end with "embed". The rest of this section describes the different URLs that you can use to select walks for embedding.

Single walk

To embed a walk, simply append "embed" to the URL of the walk page, and use this as the source of your iframe:


Hand-picked list of walks

You can create a hand-picked list of walks by noting down their numeric IDs, listed in the short URL on the walk page. You can then manually order your list of walks like so:


Walks by area or type

We are constantly adding new walks to the site, so if you want a list that keeps itself up to date for a given area and/or walk type, you can use a URLs that return lists of walks based on locality and/or walk type.

For example, all our Port Isaac walks:


...or only the Tintagel walks that include a beach:


...or our latest 5 pub walks:


...or our very latest Bodmin Moor walk:


Note that unless you're using the /latest/N urls to limit to a specific number of walks, the number of walks is likely to increase over time. In that case you'll either need to set a large height on your iframe to allow for expansion or use scrollbars.

For more information about tailoring the lists of walks, see our page on linking to lists of walks which includes a list of the walk types and localities we currently support.

All our (100+) walks

If it makes sense for your site, it is possible to embed all of our walks as a very long scrolling list:


Opening links in a new window

In all cases, by default, links will open in the same window. If you'd prefer they open in a new window, you can include the NewWindow=1 querystring parameter in any of the URLs:

<iframe src="https://www.iwalkcornwall.co.uk/walks/embed?NewWindow=1" width="600" height="1000"></iframe>


The content is also available as machine-readable ATOM feeds that you can incorporate into your website however you desire. In return, the only thing we ask from you is that the content you generate includes the link to our walk page using the URL that we provide in each feed entry. We also recommend you refresh the content at least once a month so any content changes or corrections we make will be reflected on your website before too long.

The feed URLs are obtained by appending /feed to the walk listing URLs.

For example, all our Bodmin Moor walks:


... or only the tintagel walks that include a beach:


... or our latest 5 pub walks:


... or all our walks:


The fields within each entry are as follows:

  • title - name of the walk
  • summary - short description
  • link - URL for the walk
  • published - date first published
  • updated - time the content was last updated
  • media:thumbnail - 200px wide image
  • walk:grade - steepness level (1=easy ... 5=strenuous)
  • walk:length - provided both in km and miles
  • walk:location
    • walk:start - lat+lon of start point
    • walk:centre - lat+lon in centre of walk