Circular walks beside the River Seaton

Circular walks beside the River Seaton

the River Seaton, Cornwall
  • 5 miles/8 km - Easy-moderate

    Minions and Caradon Hill

    Caradon Hill

    Minions and Caradon Hill

    5 miles/8 km - Easy-moderate

    A walk through the remains of the UK's most productive copper mines which employed thousands of people in Victorian times, including brakemen who each scooted an individual loaded ore wagon down to Liskeard on the railway that forms much of the walk route.

  • 5 miles/8 km - Moderate

    Caradon Hill to Trethevy Quoit

    Donkey Pool at South Caradon Mine

    Caradon Hill to Trethevy Quoit

    5 miles/8 km - Moderate

    A circular walk in the valley of the River Seaton to the Neolithic tomb from the copper mines of Caradon Hill where the brittle ore could not be usefully crushed by machine so teenage girls were used instead to break the ore with hammers.

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